My doctor (who I love), never really talked to me about other outside factors that could possibly still cause breakthrough seizures. It will be up to you. The meds can’t do it all, the doctors can’t do it all. You have to cultivate the freedom you desire.
epilepsy awareness
As technology and the advancement of patient care continues to move forward, a greater need grows for Clinical Trials, participants, and staff. Could the stigmatization against the innovation of Clinical Trials be holding us back from a possible cure for epilepsy?
Why does it have to be a matter of either/or? You can either pay outrageous premiums, get a doctor who may not understand your condition, or go uninsured all together? Something has got to give in this broken system.
I encourage you to be your own best advocate. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t wait until the appointment is over and wish you would have said something or got that burning question in.
This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™ which will run from June 1 through June 30. Follow along and add comments to posts that inspire you! Every time I hear the word “seizure” during a television show I automatically start to cringe. How will it be displayed this time? Will it be a
This blog post is part of the Self-Care Movement hosted by Self Care Catalysts. Learn more at Use hashtag #selfcaremvmt on all social media outlets. What if I told you that you can change your life with Epilepsy by simply putting yourself first? If I also told you that practicing Self-Care would be the key
This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™ which will run from March 1 through March 31. Follow along and add comments to posts that inspire you! Yes, my lovies I am back gracing the net again. If this is your first trip to my little corner then welcome. I’ve been away for a
Cramps, seizures, fatigue, cravings for Twix, a root beer (ok maybe that’s just me) and pimples are sure signs my not so friendly friend is coming. Yes, I said seizures! If you didn’t know, a change in your hormones can definitely be a major trigger for seizures in women. These types of seizures are known
This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™ which will run from November 1 through November 30. Follow along and add comments to posts that inspire you! We have reached the half way mark of Epilepsy Awareness Month 2015! Crazy how fast time flies! Let me start off by stating, this post is no
I can quote Forrest Gump all day long and that statement explains the last few months of my life perfectly. It has been filled with so many twist and turns. Some unimaginable events, some things I tried to prepare myself for but still was not ready for. Life has just been crazy. In the midst