My doctor (who I love), never really talked to me about other outside factors that could possibly still cause breakthrough seizures. It will be up to you. The meds can’t do it all, the doctors can’t do it all. You have to cultivate the freedom you desire.
Living with Epilepsy, or any chronic illness, requires you to have the best healthcare team available. Finding these physicians are not always easy. Referrals, research, office visits, testing, its like an unending cycle just to find someone that suits you and your needs.
You have permission to rest. You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken. You do not have to try and make everyone happy. For now, take time for you. It’s time to replenish. -Unknown If anyone tells you that you deserve a vacation or you need a break, LISTEN TO THEM. For so
This blog post is part of the Self-Care Movement hosted by Self Care Catalysts. Learn more at Use hashtag #selfcaremvmt on all social media outlets. What if I told you that you can change your life with Epilepsy by simply putting yourself first? If I also told you that practicing Self-Care would be the key