Beyond the Epilepsy Stigmas

This post is part of the Epilepsy Stigma Blog Relay which will run from June 1 through June 30. Follow along and add comments to posts that inspire you! Since seizures had a name and epilepsy was a known diagnosis, stigmas were attached. Epilepsy Stigmas are one of the toughest barriers to breakthrough. Society often

Do They Really Understand My Epilepsy?

  In life, we often go through things and look to others that shared similar situations, for support. We want someone who can say “hey, that happened to me too, or I understand because I’ve been there” and really mean it. We look for empathy not just sympathy in a sense. When it comes to seeing

Choose Your Epilepsy Words Wisely

“Never say anything that couldn’t stand as the last thing you ever say” –Auschwitz Survivor  I have some serious questions. Questions I don’t think many stop to ask before they get diarrhea of the mouth. Before they start to make jokes about someone’s illness, before pure ignorance starts to flow from their lips. Ready? 1.

Why Epilepsy? My Journey to Advocacy

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (‭Esther‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬ NIV) Oh-Em-Gee!!! 2015 has started out to be

Changing Focus to Epilepsy: 1 year Later

Happy 1st Blogiversary Changing Focus: Epilepsy Edition! Yes it has been one year since I posted my very first blog post “Changing Focus to Epilepsy.” I could not imagine in my wildest dreams that I would come so far in this journey. People actually enjoy me spilling my life out and my complete randomness. I

Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

Have you ever been so lost? Known the way and still so lost? -Katy Perry This will be one of the hardest topics I’ve written about but trust it needs to be done. With the sudden and shocking death of the beloved Robin Williams, it’s only right we discuss the topics of depression and suicide.

By the Grace of God…

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed-Proverbs 11:25 I have never been this “spiritual” person. If thats what you would like to call it. I’ve always questioned God, especially when it came to my epilepsy. “Why me?” just like most people when something bad happens. I spoke in my previous blog

The Frustrating Side of Epilepsy

I could go crazy wearing this “S” all day across my chest all day …I can’t be super all the time. -Chrisette Michele I am usually the motivator, the one my friends and some fam come to for advice. To be that voice of reason, or to give them that cut throat, no bs advice

Find Your Happiness

You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but remember you must give an account to God for everything you do. -Ecclesiastes 11:9 On March 22, 2014, I joined